Green-in-Med: cross-border eco-innovation
Promoting sustainable innovation in tourist accommodation in the Mediterranean
Project partner GREENinMED, financed by the European ENI CBC MED programme, Capenergies is helping tourist accommodations to be more efficient in their water and energy consumption. Through this action, Capenergies also wants to contribute to the new impetus given to the tourism sector in the Southern Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur and Corsica regions in the wake of the health crisis.
This European programme supports cooperation projects between Mediterranean countries to promote SME development, technology transfer, innovation, environmental sustainability, social inclusion and the fight against poverty. The GREENinMED project has a budget of €1.58m, of which the EU is co-financing 90% (€1.42m in aid). It is led by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industry and includes the following 4 other Mediterranean partners:
- Capenergies for its technological expertise and its network of companies offering innovative energy solutions;
- The Israeli research centres Kinneret College and the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies ;
- The Israeli Water Association.
To achieve its objectives, GREENinMED is setting up various support mechanisms aimed at tourist accommodation (hotels, campsites, resorts, etc.) and SMEs offering innovative solutions for such accommodation:
- Create a cross-border eco-innovation desk, based on a network of experts from the 3 partner countries which identifies and analyses the most relevant existing energy and water saving solutions for tourist accommodation managers and adapts them to their actual needs;
- Offering advice to SMEs through 30 innovation vouchersto encourage the adoption of their innovative energy solutions in a tourist structure based in one of the eligible areas.[1] ;
- Provide financial support for the rapid introduction or deployment of new solutions through 8 grants of up to €50k[2]. The aim is to finance validation and development tests or the actual application of the system on a pre-identified site.
- Provide pitching and fundraising training for start-ups and expanding companies in the field of eco-innovation in water and energy management.
The GREENinMED project plans to support around 150 Mediterranean SMEs.
Summary of the GreenInMed project - Support provided by Capenergies
The latest news
- The delegation of partners in the European GREEN in MED project visits Nice (24 and 25 February 2022)
- Catalogue of energy and water saving solutions produced by the project partners for tourist accommodation.
- A look back at the event on 26 October 2020 dedicated to water and energy management solutions for tourist accommodation
GreeninMed Project News
- Pill WIT Energy Management Technology
- UV disinfection
- Ultrafiltration of swimming pool water
- The importance of the Public-Private collaboration
- Rack Conveyor Dishwashers
- Pressure control valves for Leaks Minimization Water saver
- Mico wind turbine - Pill
- Hydrosense device
- Hybrid Solar Panels
- Greywater treatment by living wall and green systems
- Green transition investments expected in Spain
- Cooling tower water
- Desalination
- Energy storage as a service
- WECO Ecological Toilet
- Guidelines on Eco-Innovation for the Mediterranean Hotel Industry
- HIMYDATA: Artificial intelligence applied to energy management in hotel facilities
- Aquatech Innovation: Connected water meters dedicated to open-air accommodations
- INSITU Systems: Low-tech innovative solution to monitor water and energy consumptions
- Smart accommodation: a new way for monitoring energy consumption created by TM DIGITAL S.L.
- Innovative system to clean and reclycling water in marinas
- Mediterranean algae: ulva sp seaweed to clean harbour water
- Waisense: smart technology to reduce water consumption
Project contacts
- Capenergies (FRANCE) - Héloïse Delseny :
- Cámara de España (SPAIN) - Carmen Ayllón :
- IsWA (ISRAEL) - Avraham Israeli :
- KINNERET (ISRAEL) - Ram Shpiner:
- ARAVA (ISRAEL) - Clive Lipchin: