On 23 June, around ten employees, disability correspondents and social workers from the CEA Cadarache benefited from a training course dedicated to disability at work, co-constructed and run by Agefiph PACA and the Capenergies cluster.
Within the CEA Cadarache, the disability correspondents are the real relays of the actions carried out by the CEA's Mission Handicap and its referents, within the centre's unitswith the support of social workers. To fulfil this role, it is necessary to share a common base of information on the various issues surrounding "Disability at work".
That's why Capenergies and theAgefiphas part of their partnership agreement to promote the employment of disabled people, co-constructed and delivered on 23 June a new short course providing the necessary and sufficient basic knowledge to support the professionalisation of all stakeholders.
A number of important topics were discussed, including the identification of disability situations, raising awareness among managers and employees, and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities, including the issue of adapting workstations. It was a morning of information and discussion, providing an opportunity to work on the practical measures taken by CEA Cadarache, which is working to achieve the national target of 5.2% of jobs held by people with disabilities by 2023.
The next meeting will take place in a few months' time to take stock and examine certain issues in greater depth, based on experience in the field, and to discuss the situations encountered, both with managers and with employees.